The world's largest event dedicated to the educational, technical, and scientific advancement of ultraviolet (UV) and electron beam (EB) technologies.

RadTech Student Poster Competition

RadTech is once again partnering with TAGA, the Technical Association for the Graphic Arts, to engage students to develop designs for a poster touting UV+EB technology and the upcoming RadTech 2020 conference.

Please select your top two favorite posters developed by University Students to promote UV+EB and RadTech 2020:
To view larger size or to scroll through images, please click on posters.

[showcontestants id=9 width=200 height=auto showform=0 navbar=0]
Please join us at the RadTech 2020 awards dinner on Tuesday, March 10, 2020 as we will name the winning poster—we will also honor our best papers, and celebrate our RadLaunch winners and National Academy of Inventors charter members, and much more.

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